About Us

About LWV Michigan


Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

The League is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public.

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office, or political parties, and any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.

Annual Report July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023:   Review our achievements of the most recent, completed fiscal year.

Coalitions & Partnerships

The League of Women Voters of Michigan Believes…

  • in representative government and in the individual liberties established in the Constitution of the United States.
  • that democratic government depends upon the informed and active participation of its citizens and requires that governmental bodies protect the citizen’s right to know by giving adequate notice of proposed actions, holding open meetings and making public records accessible.
  • that every citizen should be protected in the right to vote; that every person should have access to free public education which provides equal opportunity for all; and that no person or group should suffer legal, economic or administrative discrimination.
  • that efficient and economical government requires competent personnel, the clear assignment of responsibility, adequate financing and coordination among the different agencies and levels of government.
  • that responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people; that government should maintain an equitable and flexible system of taxation, promote the conservation and development of natural resources in the public interest, share in the solution of economic and social problems which affect the general welfare, promote a sound economy and adopt domestic policies which facilitate the solution of international problems.
  • that cooperation with other nations is essential in the search for solutions to world problems, and that the development of international organization and international law is imperative in the promotion of world peace.

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes candidates for office, or political parties, and any use of the League of Women Voters name in campaign advertising or literature has not been authorized by the League.

The structure of the League parallels the representative system of government under which we live. Our local, state and national governments are dependent one upon the other; the base is the individual citizen. The several League levels are also interdependent. Members determine the policies and program of all League levels. Membership is simultaneous on all three levels where applicable.

The League of Women Voters of Michigan, a membership organization which conducts action and advocacy is a 501(c)(4) corporation.  The League of Women Voters of Michigan Education Fund, which conducts our voter service and citizen education activities, is a 501 (c)(3) corporation (a nonprofit, tax deductible educational organization).


The League is open to any person who subscribes to the purpose and policy of the League.

Persons at least 16 years of age who join the League shall be voting members of local Leagues, the state League and the LWVUS.  Voting members include:

  • those who live within an area of a local League may join that League or any other local League,
  • those who reside outside the area of any local League may join a local League of their choice, or  shall be Members-at-Large of the state League,
  • those who have been members of the League for 50 years or more shall be life members excused from the payment of dues,
  • those who are students (enrolled either as full or part time with an accredited institution). A reduced dues structure is in place for students.


The League acts in support of, or in opposition to, selected governmental issues which its members have studied. It does not support or oppose candidates or political parties. League members, as individuals, are urged to participate in the political process, which would include political parties. In order to protect the League’s non-partisanship policy, guidelines regarding the political activities of the individual members of the Board of Directors are reviewed frequently.


The League is a non-profit organization financed by member dues and contributions, and through community and national finance drives which enable public-spirited citizens to help support the work of the League. Dues are collected at the local League level. A portion of those dues are shared with the state and national Leagues as determined by a vote of the membership. A tax deductible LWV Education Fund can be used for publications and Voter Service information.