LWV of Michigan Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATETAKE ACTION
LWV of Michigan Logo
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy    JOINDONATETAKE ACTION

Take Action

They Represent You! Take Action

Voting rights and redistricting are two of the League’s priority issues, but we also take action on issues supported by our positions concerning natural resources, government and social policy.

League volunteers monitor state legislation and alert us to the need for action. 

Find your state or national elected representative so that you can contact them about an issue important to you. READ MORE


LWVMI ACTION ALERT:  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The League of Women Voters of Michigan and other partners are supporting legislation to amend the Freedom of Information Act to include the Legislature and the Executive Office of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor (EOG), SB 669 and SB 670. Please use this action alert to contact your state Legislators.  You may edit the message to the legislators.