

League of Women Voters of Michigan’s Environmental Network

The LWVMI Environmental Network focuses on educating the public, advocating for protection of our environment, fighting climate change, and alleviating environmental injustice.

All League members are welcome to join!  Contact advocacy@lwvwashtenaw.org

 15 Things Everyone Can Do to Fight Climate Change and Protect our Environment

GOOD NEWS!  Governor Whitmer signs the Clean Energy & Jobs Act!  

On November 28, 2023 Governor Whitmer signed landmark clean energy legislation: the Clean Energy & Jobs Act!

The new laws set a 100% clean energy standard for Michigan by 2040 and requires 60% of Michigan’s energy to come from renewable sources by 2035. The laws begin the work of holding big utilities accountable for their pollution, and giving the Michigan Public Service Commission authority to consider climate, equity, and affordability in its decision-making processes. This legislation also fosters energy independence by creating a tenfold increase in access to rooftop solar and creates some of the most robust energy efficiency standards in the country, helping to address affordability, health, and safety for many low-income Michigan households.

Of course, this is not the end of our fight. There is still important work to do in the coming months and years to establish community solar, invest in environmental justice communities, promote clean mobility, building decarbonization, and other opportunities to reduce pollution and lower electric bills. But for now, we take a moment to celebrate this victory! YOU CAN WATCH THE SIGNING VIDEO HERE

Statewide Environmental Network: monthly meetings and educational presentations.

All League members are welcome to participate in the LWVMI Statewide Environmental Network. We meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month at 11:00am via Zoom to discuss what’s happening in our regions to address Climate Change and protecting our Natural Resources and Environment. We also host educational presentations by experts in these areas. For more information, contact advocacy@lwvwashtenaw.org LWV members can find the next meeting link on the LWV Only page.

Clean energy, mobility, energy efficiency make progress in Michigan budget.  Legislature inks budget that fights pollution, grows clean energy jobs, saves Michiganders money

LANSING, Mich. – A diverse group of non-profit organizations today highlighted the Michigan Legislature passed a 2023-2024 budget that makes investments in clean energy, transportation and weatherization of homes and small businesses. These investments will help create jobs, save consumers on their energy bills, protect public health, and address climate change. READ MORE


May 29, 2025, 7:00pm:  MICHIGAN HEALTHY CLIMATE PLAN.  The MI Healthy Climate Plan lays out a pathway for Michigan to reach 100% carbon neutrality by 2050 to avert the worst impacts of the climate crisis, create good-paying jobs, and build a healthier and more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable Michigan for all Michiganders.  Our speaker will be Julia Fields, the Deputy Climate Energy Advisor for the EGLE Office of Climate and Energy which leads implementation of the MI Healthy Climate Plan.  Register for this meeting and submit questions for our speaker here.


  • Earth from space.BUILDING BIPARTISAN SUPPORT FOR CLIMATE ACTION.  Jan. 30, 2025.  Linda Racine, Michigan Co-Coordinator of Citizens’ Climate Lobby presents a program on practical ways to build bipartisanship in partisan times.  Click here to view.  Additional resources can be found here.
  • Tree with 12 without leavesCLIMATE CHANGE:  THIS IS HUMANITY’S MOMENT.    June 20, 2024.  Speakers: Robin Gleason, a geologist, educator, polar expert and League member, and Jackie Goodman, an anthropologist, retired professor at Eastern Michigan University, and experienced presenter on climate change. Both are long time members of the non-profit, non-partisan 501c3 group The Climate Reality Project.  Click here to view. 
  • Pink flowerUSING NATIVE PLANTS TO BENEFIT OUR ENVIRONMENT, WILDLIFE AND OUR CLIMATE – April 18, 2024.  Speaker:  Carol Gagliardi from Ann Arbor Wild Ones. Click here to view.  Two handouts featured in the video: Garden Talk and Native Plant Resources.
  • CLEAN UP OF THE FOX RIVER AND GREEN BAY: LESSONS FOR MICHIGANSeptember 21, 2023. Speaker: David Allen II, Author of “Paper Valley,” about how the EPA Superfund law forced paper companies to spend billions to clean up toxic sediment in the Fox River and Green Bay.  Click HERE TO VIEW 
  • MICROPLASTICS IN THE GREAT LAKES: THE PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS. Speaker Art Hirsch demonstrates how our Great Lakes and Michigan’s groundwater, inland lakes and streams are affected by microplastics, what microplastics are doing to the health of humans and animals, and what we can do about it.  Click HERE TO VIEW.
  • MICHIGAN’S FAILING SEPTIC SYSTEMS – THE PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS. On April 26, 2023 Jennifer McKay of Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council gave an informative presentation on the problem and solutions to Michigan’s failing septic systems. A link to the recording of the presentation is here. State House Bills 4479 and State Senate Bills 299-300 providing for regular inspections of septic systems are supported by LWVMI.
  • CLIMATE CHANGE 2023: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS. January 19, 2023 speaker Peter Sinclair. View video  here. Peter Sinclair, who is based in Midland, Michigan has been involved with the Yale Climate Project for many years. Peter is a renowned videographer and speaker specializing in environmental and energy issues. He is recognized by the National Center for Science Education as a “Friend of the Planet”.

GOOD NEWS! Congress Passes Inflation Reduction Act

Click here for the Bipartisan Policy Center’s summary of key climate and environmental provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. These provisions are estimated to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission by 40% by 2030.  Another key provision of the Act clarifies the EPA’s authority to use the Clean Air Act to fight greenhouse gas emissions, and use its power to push the adoption of wind, solar and other renewable energy sources.


Read the Climate Change Resolution adopted by the League of Women Voters of Michigan on January 8, 2022.   This resolution acknowledges that we are facing a code red for humanity. Global warming is happening faster than most of us hoped or expected. 2023 has surely been the warmest year on record. Nearly every day we read reports of devastating fires, hurricanes, rainstorms, droughts, toxic algae blooms, extinction of animals and other catastrophes — all due to climate change.

We all need to work together NOW to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — so our world will be a livable place for us, our children and our grandchildren.

Details on the Resolution and Action steps:


The League of Women Voters of Michigan is one of 21 members of the Oil and Water Don’t Mix Coalition that continues to fight the operation of the Line 5 Pipeline through the ecologically sensitive Straits of Mackinac as well as the proposed construction of a tunnel.

Check out this Line 5 Fact Sheet from FLOW (For the Love of Water)



Many public health and environmental issues are threatening Michigan and its residents that need to be addressed by legislators.  Decision-makers in the Capitol need to deal with these issues thoroughly and swiftly, but they do not have to do it alone.  Read about the MEC’s 2023-24 Environmental Priorities.  The League of Women Voters of Michigan is a member of the Michigan Environmental Council.

Remember, there is no Planet B!